The story of Mrs. Ferguson is a story some 30 years in the making...
As told by Cindy, pictured here in her home today with her fabric Fergie and her wonderful original artwork.
"Back in the 70s and 80s, I had a tiny flock of fowl, all beloved and special, but as always there are favorites. I called her Fergie for short, but her whole name was Mrs. Ferguson, because when I first got her as an itty bitty newborn chick, she had a topknot and face that made her look just like an elementary school teacher I had by the same name.
Someone gave me Fergie......I was at a home.....and this tiny chick ran by, alone. A man grabbed the chick and just gave it to me, saying it would likely not survive there anyway. I gleefully, accepted! Chickens from Heaven!"
For the full story, see Cindy’s blog about her beloved Mrs. Ferguson.