Most of my work is in creating custom portraits. Occasionally I am asked for something a little different. Perhaps a Barred Rock? Or maybe something pink?
I approach the building of a hen similar to creating a painting.
Starting with the perfect form and fabric for the particular hen. The layers of fabric and thread build and respond to one another.
Every step, every choice, is made with great care.
Need I say more?
Sweet little companions, about 4" in size.
Portraits in fabric.
My journey begins when the photos arrive. I immerse myself in the pictures and the stories of these dear creatures. Some are living, some have passed, and some were childhood friends many years ago. Each one very special and very much loved.
They are created with fabrics perfectly suited to them. I use mostly cottons and cotton flannel, some wool and synthetic fabrics, and vintage fabrics. All my hens are filled with USA Organically grown and processed wool. Upon request I fill them with Organic cotton or polyester stuffing.
Fabric meets feathers.
I had no idea I could fall so hard for these amazing little creatures. My flock, past and present, I love 'em to bits!
Literally hundreds of photos of my feathered ladies can be found on my Instagram account if you'd like to see more.